Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Success Principles

Dear Reader,

I want to plead your indulgence for neglecting to write on my blog for this long. The reason is not far-fetched, I can attribute this to my inability to decide on what to write, I have a lot on my mind to share with you guys but to get it out is the issue.

After reading lots of motivational books, I come to know that it is better to be failing forward. Therefore, I am going to start anyways.

On this section, I will be sharing a book that I just read that really changed my life. I recommend that everyone should have a copy. The name of the book is “The Success Principles-How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be” by Jack Canfield.

The Success Principles not only five the road map for anyone-from marketing professionals to small business owners, ans from teachers to students and parents-striving to achieve their personal and professional dreams and goals. I have read and summarize the principles below; Please read on:

Success Principle 1: Take 100% responsibility of your life

This principle teaches us to:

- give up complaining about everything in our life and be the deciding factor of our life. Stop blaiming your environment, government, your gene and so on for whatever happens to you.

- Stop thinking limiting thoughts

- The result of your life (outcome) is based on 2 things: The event that occur (E) and your Response to what occurred i.e Event (E) + Response (R) = Outcome (O)

- You have control on 3 things: Your thought, what you view, and your action.

- Always ask for feedback from frieends and relative to know how you are doing.

Success Principle 2: Be Clear why you are here

- Determine your true purpose in life

- Design a way to pursue it

Success Principle 3: Decide what you want

- Make a list of 30 things you want to have, 30 things you want to do, 30 things you want to be before you die (you’ll be amazed of the result of this exercise)

- Know where you are and where you want to be

- Clearify your vision of ideal life. Iif you get clear of the “WHAT”, the “HOW” will take care of itself.

Success Principle 4:Dream Big Dreams, because Big dreams attract Big people

- Share your vision to like-minds

- Always know that – No matter how bad it is, and how bad it gets, you are going to make it

Success Principle 5: Belive in Yourself

- Believe is a choice and also it is an attitude.

- What others think about you is non of your business. Know this; at 18, you worry about what people think about you, at 40, you don’t give a damn what people think about you, at 60, you will realise that no one is thinking about you at all.

Success Principle 6: Become an Inverse Paranoid

- Always believe that anything that happens will do you good wether in short or in the long run”

- “Look for the lemonade in Lemon”

- Look for opportunity in everything

Success Principle 7: Unleash the power of Goal-Setting

- Let your goal setting be specific and detailed with timeline

- Vague goals produce vague results

- Ultimate goal is to become a Master in your endeavours; therefore, you have to continue learning new things

- Review your goals 2 times a day (preferrably morning and night)

Success Principle 8: Chunk it Down

- Break your goals into individual action steps

- Success leaves tracks. Consult who have already done and succeed on what you are trying to do.

- Make Dailt “To do list”

- Always do first thing first

- Plan your day the day before

Success Principle 9: Success leave Clues

- Everything you conceive to do has been done by someone before

- For everything you want nto do, there are books that had been written on the subject

- The reason we don’t follow successful peoples’ clues is becausae we done think it is important, because it is incovenient for us to do so, fear of change.

- Seek out a teacher, coach or mentor

- Get out of your comfort zone.

Success Principle 10: Talk in Affirmation

Success Principle 11: See What You Want, Get What You See

- Visualisation makes brain achieve more

- Add sound and images to your visualization

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Multiple login in yahoo Without Using any Software

Do you know that you can log in to multiple yaoo messenger on your laptop using different yahoo ID? You will enjoy an opportunity to chat with your buddies in different yahoo ID's at the same time. Follow these steps:
  • Click on Start
  • Click on "Run"
  • Type "Regedit"
  • Expand "HK_CURRENT_USER"
  • Expand "SOFTWARE"
  • Expand "YAHOO"
  • Expand "PAGER"
  • Click on TEST folder
  • On the Right side, Right-click the window, choose NEW, and choose DWORD (32-BIT) VALUE
  • Rename to Plural
  • Double-click "Plural"
  • On Value Data, Change "0" to "1"
  • On Base : Change the button to "Decimal"
  • Click on Ok and Close Regedit
That's all, proceed to Launch your yahoo messenger 2 times and enter different yahoo IDs

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Browsing made easy with MTN Network

It had been discovered that you don’t have to purchase MTN data card for you to browse internet using MTN 3.5G Network. Just have the following:
- GPRS enabled phone (Activate your GPRS by sending sms “SETTING” to 3888
- Your laptop or desktop
- Connectivity cable and your PC suite
I don’t need to teach you how you will connect your phone to your computer for it to browse ( If you don’t know search Nairaland)
Then, text the following according to bundle you want

For Daily Plan
To pay for daily plan (24 hours or 50 MB), make sure you have N500 naira on your phone, send a text “1” to 131. Once that is delivered…Then second text “103” to “131”

To pay for Night plan (10 p.m to 5. am) make sure you have N3000 on your phone
Send a text “1” to “131” once that is delivered…
Then send the second text “102” to 131

The Monthly plan make sure you have N10,000 on your phone
Send a text “1” to 131 once that is delivered…
Then send the second text “101” to 131

Hope you enjoy your browsing experience with MTN